Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Audience theory

When researching into audience we need to look at different audience theories which could possibly influence our media product.

"All the world's a stage and the mean and the women are merely players." As the audience we can be manipulated and can be persuaded to buy products or follow corrupt leaders through propaganda.

The Hypodermic Syringe

The media acts as a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience, who are then a powerless mass as to stop it. The most obvious example of this is when somebody watches something violent, and then does something violent. It is also expected with traditional roles where you watch a woman cleaning then a woman feels they need to clean, or a man expects the woman to clean.

The Culmination Theory

Culmination mean to accumulate or gather over time. One piece of media text will not have a huge effect on you but a constant exposure to a certain thing will make you immune to that one thing. You might not necessarily agree with it but it takes the shock out of seeing it. The first time you see nudity or violence will be a completely different reaction to seeing the same thing for the 100th time.

Two Step Flow

This is another theory which suggest that it is the discussion after seeing a piece of media which effects you, not the media its self. It says that the discussions and other peoples opinions effect or influence you to change or widen your own. This can be very different depending on the strength of character and other aspects of your life such as experiences.

Uses and Gratification Theory
This theory suggests that you use the media to choose what you want. We all have certain expectations and expect to be gratified by what we have watched. The Choices are…

Information - For gaining knowledge and understanding e.g. documentaries.

Entertainment - Purely for enjoyment purposes such as sit-soms or soaps.

Social Empathy - To have a connection with a character and give sympathy. Following someones feelings.

Personal Identity - to show relation to every day life situations, feelings and appearances. Reality tv shows.

Escapism - to completely escape reality and forget about every day lives and situations.


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